Congratulations, you're on your way to becoming a GGS Certified Pre- & Postnatal Coach.

Just one more step...

Consulted and Collaborated with, and Recommended by:
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One confirms your purchase. The other contains your login access to your online learning platform and your next steps.

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Ready to change your life — and the lives of other women — forever?

In the coming weeks, you'll get more info on using what you're learning in your Pre- & Postnatal Coaching Certification to make a huge difference for women... keeping them safe, healthy, and strong during pregnancy and postpartum.
Stay strong,
Molly Galbraith,
Co-Founder, Girls Gone Strong 
Creator of the GGS Academy
P.S. I'm super excited to help you use your coaching power for good.
The women of the world need you.
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